Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jag tror nog att det går: nasta stoppa Stockholm

We've made it and my head is spinning. I feel like I'm living out a lucid dream. It is my last night in California for the summer and I'm about to board a plane heading East over the States and the Atlantic. Looking out to the West won't help me now; I was here just about this time last year, heading over the Pacific to see the nice Australians down under. Would-be summer romances have been cut off, or perhaps just delayed, and any chance of stability in my life has been thrown into the wind. Strange how so many things can change and yet stay the same in the early years of your life. So for a second summer in a row, I leave my ghost to roam the California coast.

I told all the European friends I made in Australia that I would likely be coming to Europe this summer, though I must admit even I wasn't certain whether or not my words were more full of empty promises or palpable realities at the time. I particularly remember the first night I met Filip, during the Melbourne Welcome. It was at the formal dinner and he incidentally sat next to me as we both showed up late. We talked about Sweden, and I mistook the currency as the Swedish Franc. Now I know very well that it is the Swedish Krona (Crown), and that 1USD is about 7.8 SEK.

Somehow I made it happen, and I got my school to fund it. I guess sometimes you just get lucky and the universe unfolds for you. That's life's magic I've been talking about, and I hope it continues to favor me and that my starry skies never burn out.

I've planned about as much as I reasonably can, and I have to admit that it's been very exciting and I've spent the last few days pacing around, booking things here and there, and looking up every place I'm visiting on Google Earth to make sure nothing extraordinary gets left behind. I used that strategy for New Zealand, and it worked great. Sometimes the best plan is none, and I'm sure things will change and I've learned to just go along with it.

I don't know how well I'll keep up with this once I'm gone. I tried to tell myself I would keep my blog going after Melbourne, and I haven't even looked at it myself since I left. I guess we'll just see.

So, off I go to my first stop, with a handful of mobile numbers, contact info, and the plans I've made for the time I'm in Sweden. Speaking of Sweden, min svenska är dålig.

The Norwegians also seem excited to see me, and I must admit I'm also excited to see them after some 8 years of not seeing them. Always good to see how old friends are doing.

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."
George Jung, writer of the Hollywood Film 'Blow'

With that, I'm off; lever min dröm


  1. Ohhhh, have you been to Sweden/Norway before? Or just met people in the US from Sweden and Norway?

    Jag talar lite svenska också, men inte så bra. Är nesten det samma som Norska.

  2. Haven't been yet. That all changes tomorrow. I studied with a Norwegian exchange student at my small prep school when I was younger and his mother taught me English for a year, so that's how I know them.

    Some of the best guys I met in Oz and some of my best friends were the Swedish guys, so that's how I know them.

    How do I know Swedish? Mostly Basshunter (kidding-kind of). Speaking a bit with them, Swedish media and culture, and the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo are the real reasons.

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    I am interested in your offer, but I would like more details. Feel free to email me at newfoundguy123@yahoo.com.

    If I could get some links to what I would be promoting and to how I might be able to help during my travels let me know. We can also discuss prices then, and I'd like to know what you normally pay bloggers for their advertisements.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

