Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hallå där Stockholm, vakna upp!

To grab your attention, here is a picture of a sassy Swedish girl in the club

She actually had good reason for her surly demeanor. She was looking at a 4 ft tall middle eastern looking guy dancing around in an FBI hat who moments later made a pass at her. Here's the damageSo after that we made our way to the dance floor, but let me catch you up a bit first with how the night progressed.

Saturday nights in Stockholm kick ass. I started the night playing cards and drinking games with some of the internationals I met at Lodge 32, on Kungsholmen. We finished six large beers each of 3.5% tall boys. I thing it was called Carlsberg, a Danish beer. It cost me something like 75 SEK for a six pack at the 7-11 next door.

After the pre party, we crossed the bridge to Norrmalm, the island north of the Gamla Stan, which sits just north of Södermalm. We went to a place called Chaplins Bar. If you want to check it out, Here is a picture of the dance floor. Special thanks to the guy who let us in when he told us we were dressed nice and asked where we were from. When I said California, he said, 'nice place' and let us skip the line. Turns out the other two were from other parts of Sweden, but they kept quiet, and it worked out. 160 crowns later and we were in the club.

Of course, I made some new friends. We got a girl to take a picture of us outside the bathroom. Kinda cool, I guess...

Then came the highlight of the night...welll, one of them-at least. So this couple of girls, and I either mean couple literally or maybe Swedish girls just like to party (who knows), approached
us and started dancing with us. I danced with the blonde one for quite some time and we were having fun, getting into heavy petting and I think she might have given me a kiss but I honestly can't remember, and this is about how it progressed from there

Which brought us to this.

But don't think the night ended there. Next door to the club was the American Embassy, where we made a stop and witnessed Stockholmians enjoying a taste of American culture. After that, we made the decision to go back home at 4 AM, which by the way looks more like 10AM in most other places, because the light never really ends in Sweden during the summer. We realized that this was a good chance to jump into the canals naked, which is something you should do in Europe at 4 in the morning, or else you simply aren't partying right. Don't worry, the guides said the lake water was clean enough to swim in. Oh and look at me in front of Central Station. How wonderful.

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