Thursday, May 13, 2010

Western Winds blow the American Summer into Me

Well my Junior year at Oxy has come to an end, and it couldn't end any sooner. I've spent my last few days between friends' houses near school and Orange County, where I've almost finished moving into my room for the six weeks I'm here this summer. I've had a couple of good surf sessions, and I'm running on the beach to get back into the shape I expect myself to be in but I'd fallen out of because of finals and work and Europe and gurlz LOL.

I'm moving into a house next semester with Ian Powell and Jake Wright, and couldn't be more happy about it. Ian and I lived together my sophomore year and threw some great themed parties when we put our minds into initiative mode, and I can't wait to see how things play out. Jake Wright is the illest surfer kid from San Diego, so I doubt I'll have any problems getting along with him.

On the real, though, it is good to be done for the summer and I've been reflecting on my priorities and where I am in life currently. I'm proud to say that I could care less about having a beautiful barbie-doll type girlfriend and proving how cool I am to the world-which was kind of what I put my focus into this time last year and the year before. Instead, I'm living for myself, getting back into shape, visiting family and good friends, and getting ready for a summer that will likely be the best I've had yet, though last summer will be hard to beat as I spent half of it in Australia. My how time flies.

I've been hanging out with Phil a lot, living like a deliquent, and drinking a lot of beer and sangria and getting fat. It's a pretty good life, I must admit. Here is a picture of Phil in San Diego, perched up on a rock formation. He claims someday soon he will swim back to Taiwan. I guess we will just have to see. I've got a EUrail pass that is good for 15 days within the two months I'm in Europe, so things should get interesting as I now have a great deal of mobility available to me.

Plenty of surf in the next few weeks, and I'm happy to be back in the season. Hopefully I can put my mind body and soul at ease and prepare myself for Europe and all the glory two months there has to offer.

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