Tuesday, April 20, 2010

European Travel Dates Summer 2010

Here are my tentative travel dates based on tickets, arranged meeting times, and modes of travel-planes, trains, buses, boats. Contact me if you will be in this same area at the same time as me and would like to meet up.

June 2nd, LAXm Los Angeles
Return: July 29th (tentatively), Heathrow, London

: June 3rd-12th
June 3rd:Arrive in Stockholm, meet Swedish friends from Melb
June 7-11th: Interview week in various Swedish cities-Stockholm, Goteborg, possibly Lund.
June 12th: Depart for Norway

Norway: June 12th-17th
June 12th: Arrive Oslo
June 14th-18th: Meetings in Oslo and Bergen. Meet with Mathias and Hege Lundgren
June 18th: Return to Stockholm

Sweden: June 18th-19th
June 19th: Depart for Helsinki

Finland: June 20th-26th
June 20th: Arrive Helsinki, meet with Finnish girls
June 21st-25th: Meetings in Helsinki
June 26th: Possibly Tallinn, Estonia
June 27th: Depart Helsinki/Tallinn
Denmark: June 29th-July 2nd

The Netherlands: July 2nd-5th
July 2nd-5th: Amsterdam, meet with Fleur and Dylan
July 5th: Depart Amsterdam for Pamplona, Spain

Espana: July 6th-20th
July 6th-14th: Encierro, Pamplona
July 14th-20th: Barcelona

Italy: July 21st-24th
July 21st, 24th: Rome and surrounding areas with Lorenzo, maybe meet Matteo.

United Kingdom: July 25th-29th, maybe longer
July 29th: Depart from Heathrow and return to Los Angeles

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