Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Denmark July 5-11

Hey Kids

So it looks like I'll be attending the Danish Atlantic Youth Seminar in Aalborg on an airport base in Denmark.

I'm really excited because this means that I get to talk about American National Security with other students. Here's an image from the website at : http://www.atlant.dk/days.html

Also one of the social events is skydiving, so I'm pretty stoked.

That's the only update I have so far.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

European Travel Dates Summer 2010

Here are my tentative travel dates based on tickets, arranged meeting times, and modes of travel-planes, trains, buses, boats. Contact me if you will be in this same area at the same time as me and would like to meet up.

June 2nd, LAXm Los Angeles
Return: July 29th (tentatively), Heathrow, London

: June 3rd-12th
June 3rd:Arrive in Stockholm, meet Swedish friends from Melb
June 7-11th: Interview week in various Swedish cities-Stockholm, Goteborg, possibly Lund.
June 12th: Depart for Norway

Norway: June 12th-17th
June 12th: Arrive Oslo
June 14th-18th: Meetings in Oslo and Bergen. Meet with Mathias and Hege Lundgren
June 18th: Return to Stockholm

Sweden: June 18th-19th
June 19th: Depart for Helsinki

Finland: June 20th-26th
June 20th: Arrive Helsinki, meet with Finnish girls
June 21st-25th: Meetings in Helsinki
June 26th: Possibly Tallinn, Estonia
June 27th: Depart Helsinki/Tallinn
Denmark: June 29th-July 2nd

The Netherlands: July 2nd-5th
July 2nd-5th: Amsterdam, meet with Fleur and Dylan
July 5th: Depart Amsterdam for Pamplona, Spain

Espana: July 6th-20th
July 6th-14th: Encierro, Pamplona
July 14th-20th: Barcelona

Italy: July 21st-24th
July 21st, 24th: Rome and surrounding areas with Lorenzo, maybe meet Matteo.

United Kingdom: July 25th-29th, maybe longer
July 29th: Depart from Heathrow and return to Los Angeles

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Does anybody even read this?

I've moved beyond my melancholy mood. I am still somewhere between here and there, and I go through the motions of the waking world, but I always remember there is something more, something beyond, some sort of etheral landscape of dreams that I am welcome to visit but can never stay at for long...

Tomorrow I will receive the funding for northern Europe. I've received significantly more than anticipated, so I will be spending half of my summer in Europe. Why the hell not, right?

Santa Barbara brought on a weekend of debauchery, new friends, new experiences, new women, and beautiful seaside adventures. Here is a picture of the mission, established as part of Spanish colonization in the early 1600s if I'm not mistaken.
My Tuesday class was canceled so I used it as an excuse to sneak away to Malibu and get some rock climbing in with Ben. The day was perfect, and we could climb rocks, swim in the ocean, and watch the attractive girls put a show on for us at the beach. I like to think they were dancing to put on a show for us, but maybe they just enjoy dancing anywhere anytime, which is also good.

Last night I went to the Getty for college night. I wound up going to UCLA afterwards with some new friends and had a charming and eventful night.

You're in my eyes, in my head, in my soul-I feel you there.