Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Spring Green Sets In

Well it's been about two months since I've been back in classes and I've done my best to get out and see some cool stuff...

The tide-pooling at Point Dume was disappointing as the intertidal creatures aren't in season, and the visibility snorkeling was terrible.

In other news, Ben and I took Frank up to Malibu Creek State Park and then to a different nearby location (the name of which escapes me at the moment) when we realized that dogs aren't allowed in MCSP. While there, we ran into this while crossing a grassland.

We also went up Baldy, this time to the Ski Hut at 8,200 feet. It was really cold, and rain in LA meant snow on Baldy again. Visibility again sucked, but climbing up a mountain in a flurry of white blanketing snow is amazingly beautiful and cathartic.

Last Thursday I went to Hermosa beach for the first time in far too long. I love that place. next time we will have to bring a volleyball or football. Also I'll have to take some pictures. For Spring Break I'm going to San Diego with the bros, and I have to say that I'm pretty damn excited. It should be quite an adventure, as I'm going with kids who know a considerable amount of people and nice places to go/stay.

Oh and add Finland and Norway to the Scandinavian destinations, provided that I do get funded. Finland is apparently a place where Caldwell and Shearer have some great connections, so hopefully that will help my research. I guess we'll see.

More on that as it evolves.


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