Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Spring Green Sets In

Well it's been about two months since I've been back in classes and I've done my best to get out and see some cool stuff...

The tide-pooling at Point Dume was disappointing as the intertidal creatures aren't in season, and the visibility snorkeling was terrible.

In other news, Ben and I took Frank up to Malibu Creek State Park and then to a different nearby location (the name of which escapes me at the moment) when we realized that dogs aren't allowed in MCSP. While there, we ran into this while crossing a grassland.

We also went up Baldy, this time to the Ski Hut at 8,200 feet. It was really cold, and rain in LA meant snow on Baldy again. Visibility again sucked, but climbing up a mountain in a flurry of white blanketing snow is amazingly beautiful and cathartic.

Last Thursday I went to Hermosa beach for the first time in far too long. I love that place. next time we will have to bring a volleyball or football. Also I'll have to take some pictures. For Spring Break I'm going to San Diego with the bros, and I have to say that I'm pretty damn excited. It should be quite an adventure, as I'm going with kids who know a considerable amount of people and nice places to go/stay.

Oh and add Finland and Norway to the Scandinavian destinations, provided that I do get funded. Finland is apparently a place where Caldwell and Shearer have some great connections, so hopefully that will help my research. I guess we'll see.

More on that as it evolves.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Welcome to My Los Angeles Travel Blog

Well I'm back in LA and I've taken it upon myself to create a travel blog and a space for myself to develop my plans and future travels from here. Here's what's been new in my life:

I'm pretty sure I'll be going to Sweden this summer to study the Socialized Health Care System they employ. Obama's likely failure to pass through the social option will actually help this. Very Machiavellian of me to take advantage of what most Americans consider a failure on our president's part. I've gained Ambassador Shearer's approval, and his mentorship pending his return to the States on Feb 16th, so hopefully things will go well from there. My hopeful trip to Sweden has inspired a lot of Swedish-English translating of simple phrases as well as an obsession with Basshunter, a Swedish singer-songwriter who has been popular since around 2006 in Scandinavia and the surrounding European countries.
Absurd, I know..but something has to keep you on track.

I have a job and had my first shift earlier today. Good to finally be putting money back into the account after being abroad in two different countries. I can finally afford to buy myself those new Pumas I've been wanting. I'm kidding-if anything I'll replace my aging Le Coq Sportifs with a newer, prettier pair.
I've got my eye on these. Probably will have them in two weeks. Don't steal them. I mean that.

The weather needs to get warmer and stop teasing me by warming up for a day then raining the next four days

In my Obama class, we are doing very little demanding work at this point. We are, however, learning a lot about Obama-mainly that he is only human. Yeah, no shit. I don't think his presidency is sunk...yet, but I certainly think he promised a lot of things he couldn't deliver on. If he can get one large policy change he's promised through congress and the senate, or if the economy begins to pick up quickly, re-election could be an option. Really too soon to tell.

I've been really good about getting away from Oxy and seeing more of Los Angeles. This weekend I have a date at the Point Dume tidepools for some snorkeling action. I'm doing hte Getty soon as well, which is free with reservations, and something you honestly can't miss.

I am planning trips to San Diego, Santa Barbara (for Model UN in April), Mt. Whitney, and Joshua Tree in the upcoming months.

Having said that, I need to address the relatively high amount of trips I've been taking and also discuss my summer plans. Thus far I've summitted Mt. Baldy in Claremont, visited my love Miranda in Santa Cruz, gone to Venice and Santa Monica with the Bros, been hiking at the Malibu Creek State Park, and have had a lot of fun turning 21 in California and hitting the bars around LA up. One thing I really need to work on is getting myself a good second hand board again. I have a really nice new Tacoma courtesy of dad (thanks again) and I need to make use of my unreasonably nice seam sealed Ripcurl Pro edition wetsuit.

I guess I owe whoever reads this some pictures on my travels, then.

This one is just weird. We did our best to re-make the Turf photo we took while in Melbourne during our visit to Santa Cruz. Here is the original photo and next the attempted emulation:

Notice any differences? Kind of like opposites. I guess things really are upside down in Australia...haha I hate it when people say that mindless shit. It's all relative any way.

Here's us going up Baldy. The first gulley was the hardest climb, but it got really cold towards the top, and my camera froze so I couldn't snap any peak pics. I'll get my hands on a freeze-proof model of a camera and go from there.

More soon, but for now I have to get on applying for an Undergraduate Research Grant...really I'm nearly done, but I have two days to perfect it and ensure that my proposal is something I'm proud of.