Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Monday, March 22, 2010

Time Flies By

When did the world start spinning so quickly? I feel like I've spent the past few months trying to figure out who I am and what I normally do with my life since I left California for Australia. Suddenly I awoke from what was a shadowy masquerade of me going through the motions of reality, watching the seasons change without exerting myself or making plans with the ones I used to think matter. I find myself reflecting back on foreign women that took my breath away, new friends and times so fucking golden that I can't help but question whether or not the best six months of my life have come to an end...

The experience itself, the people, and the way I've changed have permanently altered my view of Occidental and my life as an American Boy. My return on the whole has been disenchanting, and as I face life's ups and downs the highs are higher and the lows are lower. Turning 21 added some temporary spice, but I still feel some inexplicable void in my life right now. Yet I know that Australia would eventually lose its luster, especially with all my great friends from the program back in their home countries. I suppose sometimes there really is no safe exit.

This is what particularly troubles me, as I have a job, a car, a great group of friends, and plenty of toys and opportunities to distract myself when real life gets to be unbearable. Not to mention, I've enjoyed (and am thankful for) ample attention from girls since I've been back, though the ones I really want always seem either out of reach entirely or obligated to some other boy. Truth be told, given my colorful past with women, I don't really think that another girl is the answer right now, or maybe I just need to wait to meet that one beautiful and spectacular girl. Time is a double edged sword in that you know eventually things will come around, which is wonderful, but for the time being you have to slowly suffer through, bear it, and carry on, which is terrible. I suppose life is like that, though. If I had white horses and pretty women knocking at my door everyday I'd probably even tire of those before too long.

My summer travel plans have been confirmed and funded by the school and I will be visiting Norway, Sweden, Finland, and either Russia or Denmark. I'd love to visit Russia more than anything, but that is contingent on whether or not my friend can meet us there as we will inevitably need a Russian translator. After the trip is over, I will return to Los Angeles and conduct undergraduate research on the varying socialist systems, and contrast them with the American system, giving special regard to healthcare, and also focusing on population size, the country's GDP, and the long term goals of the varying countries in question.

Domestic travel plans have been placed on standstill status as I continue to take extra hours at the office to make money for my travels abroad. This will also pull me out of Hollywood and Pasadena bars and put me back at Oxy parties, drinking keg beer on the cheap and drinking with the same 200 kids who go out to Oxy house parties every weekend. Sooner or later I'm bound to find the fucking silver lining I'm looking for, so I'll continue to search and keep a smile on my face.